Sdy Pools and Freshwater Beach in Sydney’s Western Suburbs

Sdy Pools offers an curated collection of swimming pools, landscaped gardens and outdoor areas designed by Sydney’s premier designers and builders. Additionally, this destination provides advice for creating lush gardens in small spaces or selecting high-tech pool products and services to keep water clean and clear in pools of all shapes and sizes.

Though Sydney is best-known for its iconic landmarks like the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, which draw tourists to Australia’s largest state, its pool culture remains relatively underrated. Australia boasts more ocean pools – man-made public seawater swim spots built on surf beaches so waves wash over their sides – than anywhere else worldwide, as well as boasting an enviable variety of iconic swimming holes – than any other location worldwide.

Freshwater Beach (locals refer to it as “Freshie”) remains one of the most iconic swimming venues. A rocky platform with lanes cut into its northern end cliff face forms a sea pool ideal for swimmers of all abilities; here, one can imagine themselves in a summery coming-of-age film, stroke away until your heart’s content, swim close to wildlife of the foreshore flora and fauna, and meet some of the country’s top swimmers who have found strength through its waters! At Freshie alone many accomplished swimmers have found strength to overcome challenges presented by salt air and waters to become transformatorss in their abilities!

Australian legends of swimming Graeme Smith, Ian Thorpe and Murray Rose all used it to develop their abilities and hone their craft. The wonder pool became the starting point for many to achieve Olympic or national championship success.

Redeveloping the site has proven contentious for various reasons, from cost concerns to councillor Tink Baker citing how a $10m grant intended for regional and remote women’s sports accelerated the project significantly and complicated what should have been an easy renovation process.

Western Sydney suburbs – particularly those served by councils such as Parramatta, Hills Shire and Blacktown – have traditionally been underserved when it comes to public aquatic centres. But new projects are underway which may help address this shortcoming. With an increase of 24% for visitors at Sydney Pool & Spa Expo last February alone, Australia appears committed to swimming pools more than ever!